Giant Rabbit Care
Large breeds of rabbit require a lot of space for both living and exercise. A hutch is not ideal, especially ones with different levels, as the bigger bunnies cannot negotiate steps so well as smaller bunnies. A rabbit proofed room of a house, and a nice big dog basket to sleep in or a small shed with dog basket to curl up in is generally the best option. If you do use a hutch it may need to be custom made, as it is difficult to find ready-made ones of a suitable size. Around 6'x2'x2' is the minimum for a hutch, although a giant rabbit may need even bigger. Daily exercise in a secure run will also be necessary.
The large rabbit breeds tend to get joint and mobility problems, especially if special attention is not paid to their diet and they get overweight. They are also more prone to problems with their eyes and teeth. The lifespan of larger rabbits is less than small-medium breeds, 5-6 years on average.
Maintaining a healthy diet is very important, as once over weight problems with dirty bottoms, joints and hearts become more of a problem than in a smaller bunny. The diet should be the same as smaller bunnies, but the addition of a vitamin supplement may be advisable to help ward off joint problems later. The hay is the main thing, and a diet rich in calcium. You should aim to feed a pile of hay at least equivalent to the body size of the rabbit twice daily. The chewing action of long hay (not the sort available in plastic bags in pet shops) is essential for healthy teeth. A complete pellet food and not a "complimentary" food should be given to provide a full balanced diet, along with vegetables and 'greens'.We personally tend to feed our rabbits dry food in the morning and fruit/vegetables in the evening.
Large rabbits, like their smaller friends, greatly benefit from the company of other rabbits. They can live happily with a smaller rabbit though care needs to be taken with introductions. As with any rabbits neutering is essential to prevent unwanted litters. However, as long as they are given a lot of fuss and attention, they are also more than happy to live on their own.
Bigger bunnies need to be paid a lot of attention and handled well from a young age, otherwise you can have "HUGE" problems if you, for example, need to pick them up to examine them or give them medicine if unwell. If well handled, they make wonderful and usually well tempered pets, but if they are given little exercise or attention, they soon get bored and can become nippy.
Big rabbits can also mean big expenses. Things like large (custom made) hutches, diet (half a bale of hay a week), and huge carriers for vet trips... the costs soon mount up.
Big bunnies sometimes have problems keeping themselves clean as they are not so dextrous as smaller bunnies and cannot reach their lower quarters to groom, especially as they get older. Becoming over weight can also exacerbate grooming problems. Grooming is essential even for shorter-furred breeds and helps the bonding process with the owner… it also prevents loose fur being ingested and leading to fur balls.
Large rabbits have a lot more fur to moult so be prepared for a lot of lose fluff during moults. Giving a vitamin supplement can help speed up the moult.
(Information derived from
(Information derived from